Topic: Calvary
In Jewish's time, the day begins at 6 PM and it goes on to 6 PM on the next day. In Genesis 1:5 says, "So the evening [6:01 PM to 6 AM] and the morning [6:01 AM to 6:00 PM] were the first day." This was the first time 24-hour period system that God created before somebody developed 12:01 AM as day starts point.
In the New Testament, Jesus told us that He will be in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights as Joanna was in the belly of the great fish (see Matthew 12:40). Most today's churches believed that having an Easter sunrise service means that Jesus resurrected on Sunday at 6:01 AM. If this is true, the book of Joanna would be considered as fictional story and Jesus' word would mean nothing to us.
Some believe that Jesus was buried on Wednesday at 6:00 PM. This theology may seem to be accurate time. If Jesus was buried on Friday at 6:01 PM, He would resurrect on Monday at 6:00 PM. This would mean that Mary shows up to the tomb on the third day of the week. If He rose on Sunday at 3 AM from Friday evening, that would mean He was in the heart of the earth for 1 day and 9 hours. And He cannot rise on Saturday, because that day is to be Sabbath, which would be constricted with the Sabbatical law.
If Jesus was buried on Wednesday at 6:00 PM, He would meet the requirement of the Passover of Lamb on Sabbath.